I am a passionate tinkerer and problem solver. Throughout my career, I have actively sought opportunities to connect directly with customers, driven by a deep empathy for their experiences and challenges.
I believe...
...mistakes are essential stepping stones to innovation.
...the best user experiences are born from collaboration.
...like Jon Snow, it's crucial to acknowledge when you don't have all the answers.
...true creativity comes from exploring perspectives beyond your own.
My design approach
Every project begins with a hand-drawn sketch—whether on a napkin, notepad, or tracing paper. These initial sketches, often meaningful only to me, evolve through multiple iterations until they transform into something clear and shareable.
From there, the magic of collaboration begins. Through rounds of feedback, the idea evolves from a personal concept into a collective vision. This iterative process continues at every stage, ensuring the final product is as impactful as it is well-crafted.
Let’s work together to create something remarkable.
I’m based in the Baltimore area.